Thomas Szasz Award al dottor Giorgio Antonucci

“Il controllo sociale spacciato per terapia psichiatrica offre illimitate possibilità alla tirannia”

Al dottore Giorgio Antonucci per:

Meriti eccezionali nella lotta contro lo stato terapeutico

….Sofia presented another humanitarian award at the Annual CCHR
(Citizens Commission on Human Rights) Awards Gala, held at the Beverly
Hilton Hotel Feb. 28, 2005, this time to Dr. Giorgio Antonucci for his
heroic cause. In her speech, she talked about their common goal to free
children from dangerous and damaging psychiatric drugs and the
screentesting of children to put them on them, a cause she supports with
passion. For further information on the damaging effects of children on
Psychiatric drugs, ADHD and ADD, go to and …..

Pubblicato il 6 September, 2009
Categoria: Immagini, Notizie, Presentazione, Testimonianze

Centro di Relazioni Umane (Bologna) — Maria Rosaria d’Oronzo